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Sodium cocoyl glycinate is an excellent choice for natural and gentle cleansing in skincare, haircare, and baby products.  It’s a most preferred substitute for harsh sulfate surfactants.

  1. Mild Anionic Surfactant: Sodium cocoyl glycinate is a mild anionic surfactant derived from coconut oil and the amino acid glycine. It possesses cleansing properties without the harshness often associated with sulfates.
  2. Eco-Certified: The fact that it is eco-certified is a significant advantage, indicating its environmentally friendly nature. It’s biodegradable and has a lower environmental impact compared to some harsher surfactants.
  3. Versatility: This surfactant is versatile and can be used in various types of products, including skincare, haircare, and baby products. Its mild nature makes it suitable for sensitive and delicate skin, such as baby skin.
  4. Gentle Cleansing: Sodium cocoyl glycinate provides effective cleansing while being gentle on the skin and hair. It doesn’t strip away natural oils or cause excessive dryness, making it perfect for maintaining the skin’s natural balance.
  5. Reduced Irritation: Unlike harsh sulfate surfactants, sodium cocoyl glycinate has a reduced potential for irritation, both to the skin and eyes. This is a crucial aspect when formulating products for sensitive individuals, including babies.
  6. Natural and Safe: As a certified cosmetic formulator, using this ingredient aligns with your goal of creating products with safe, effective, and natural ingredients. It supports your mission to promote awareness of gentle and natural alternatives for personal care.

Sodium cocoyl glycinate is an eco-certified, versatile, and gentle anionic surfactant. Is natural and safe for skincare, haircare, and baby products, offering effective cleansing without the drawbacks of harsh sulfate surfactants. It’s a go-to ingredient for those looking to provide gentle and eco-friendly options in the world of cosmetics.